About Us

We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts of the system and expound.

Contact Info

123/A, Miranda City Likaoli Prikano, Dope United States

+0989 7876 9865 9


    Gender*: FemaleMaleOther
    Language (s) you can speak fluently*:
    UrduSindhiPashtoHindkoEnglish (fluent)BalochiSaraikiPanjabiUrduSindhiPashtoHindkoEnglish (fluent)BalochiSaraikiPanjabiOther
    M.phil (complete)M.phil (continue)MA/MSc/BS(complete)MA/MSc/BS (continue)ADCP/PMDCP/DRCD (complete)ADCP/PMDCP/DRCD (continue)
    Please upload your last passed examination marksheet*:
    Current Employment Status*:
    StudentProject based jobGovt jobUnemployedPrivate job
    Have you ever attend any internship training/workshop?*:

    During this internship..*:
    I will be responsible to adopt all the ethical procedures, standards of psychological treatment in my professional lifeI will be responsible to complete all assignments/tasks into given timelineI will have to deal all assigned cases of Mental health during internship (by following discussed protocols)I will be responcible to attend all the lectures with active participation
    Course fee 4000/month PKR you can deposit fee in following mode.*:
    Please Upload fee submission receipt:*